Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • rondtrekkend (van stammen)
  • migratory
"the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"



  1. Nomadic devices: Non stationary devices which accompany people whilst travelling.
  2. Nomadic devices: Non-stationary devices which accompany people whilst travelling.
  3. clarification of legal aspects (responsibility and liability) associated with nomadic devices integration,
  4. cooperation between nomadic device and vehicle manufacturers leading to smart interfaces.
  5. Nomadic systems should not be used hand-held or unsecured within the vehicle while driving;
  6. Clarification of legal aspects (responsibility and liability) associated with nomadic devices integration
  7. Providers of nomadic devices, intended to be used by a driver while driving;
  8. Additional industry stakeholders are involved with nomadic devices and the products and services that they support.
  9. nomadic systems should not be used hand-held or unsecured within the vehicle while driving,
  10. spectral density limits for fixed and nomadic deployments between 3400 and 3800 MHz
  11. All systems intended to be used while driving, especially nomadic devices and aftermarket systems.
  12. All systems intended to be used while driving, especially nomadic devices and after-market systems.
  13. providers of nomadic devices, intended to be used by a driver while driving,
  14. Co-operation between nomadic devices and vehicle manufacturers leading to smart interfaces
  15. There is no single appropriate industry body, but many of the issues specific to the design of nomadic devices and their use and integration within vehicles can be discussed through the Nomadic Devices Forum.