Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion
    "by love possessed"


    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • mataglap
    • frenzied as if possessed by a demon




    1. She's possessed.
    2. Tom is possessed.
    3. He once possessed much land.
    4. He is possessed of intelligence.
    5. He is possessed by an unusual idea.
    6. He's possessed by a strange idea.
    7. He is possessed of a great fortune.
    8. She is possessed by a devil.
    9. My uncle is possessed of great wealth.
    10. He is possessed of a strong fighting instinct.
    11. As a kid I was possessed by a ghost.
    12. He possessed a large house and two cars.
    13. She seems to be possessed by an evil spirit.
    14. He seems to be possessed with idle fancies.
    15. The old man is possessed of great wealth.