Betekenis van:



  1. It may submit an amended proposal to the Council, re-submit its proposal or present a legislative proposal.
  2. If within that period the Council has indicated by qualified majority that it opposes the proposal, the Commission shall re-examine it. It may submit an amended proposal to the Council, re-submit its proposal or present a legislative proposal.
  3. that the relevant documentation is present and duly completed and reported (bluefin tuna catch document and re-export certificate, transfer declaration, harvesting declaration, transhipment declaration);
  4. Thus there is no reason to re-calculate the subsidy and duty rates of the companies that did not cooperate with the present partial interim review.
  5. that the relevant documentation is present on-board and duly completed, including the transhipment declaration, the relevant T2Ms and ICCAT bluefin tuna catch document and re-export certificate;
  6. In the present case, the investment by the municipality of Amsterdam was made jointly with two private investors, namely ING RE and Reggefiber.
  7. as regards marketing, that the relevant documentation is present and duly completed, including the relevant bluefin tuna catch document and re-export certificate.
  8. that the relevant documentation is present and duly completed and reported (bluefin tuna catch document and re-export certificate, transfer declaration, caging declaration, transhipment declaration);’
  9. Denmark must re-notify the amendment of the DIS scheme assessed in the present Decision according to Article 88(3) of the EC Treaty within 10 years as from the date of notification of the present Decision.
  10. If a category A euro banknote is identified as being present in the second output stacker, the operator must re-run the euro banknote(s) from the second output stacker.
  11. See statement (m) set out below:(m) Re Annex IV, paragraph 1(h)“The Council confirms that present practice whereby the texts serving as a basis for its deliberations are drawn up in all the languages will continue to apply.”
  12. Members shall take precedence after the President by date of appointment; where a Member has been re-appointed, his earlier term of office shall be taken into consideration, whether or not it immediately preceded the present term.
  13. If bacteria are present the fluids may be passed through a 450-nm membrane filter or centrifuged to remove bacteria and re-passaged in eggs after the addition of more antibiotics.
  14. If one or more animals of the same group present an inconclusive reaction, the whole group will be re-tested after 42 days considering it as the first test described in b).
  15. for fishing vessels, that the relevant information is present on-board and duly completed and reported (logbooks, bluefin tuna catch document, re-export certificate, ICCAT transfer declaration and transhipment declaration);