Betekenis van:

to uphold
  • verdedigen
  • support against an opponent




to uphold
  • verdergaan met datgene wat men aan het doen is
  • keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last




to uphold
    • stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals


    to uphold
    • vervolgen, continueren, voortzetten, voortgezet, voortbouwen
    • keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last




    to uphold
    • hooghouden
    • support against an opponent




    to uphold
    • herbevestigen
    • support against an opponent





    1. He emphasised carrying out promises made to the people, but he failed to uphold many commitments.
    2. As a public official you have sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution.
    3. Many people uphold the stance that 95% of the DNA is junk.
    4. The women in our country are different from the women from other countries. Many think that it's acceptable for women to have children and devote themselves to them entirely; and, towards their husband, to simply uphold their duty and protect their chastity.
    5. The continuation of the measures would also contribute to uphold the profitability of this investment project.
    6. As far as possible, Counsel who uphold similar arguments should not expound again arguments already made at the same hearing.
    7. The Commission is called upon to uphold the principles of the single market and not to exempt publicly owned banks from the competition rules of the Treaty.
    8. Moreover, the Commission also could not uphold its observation of the opening decision that there was overcapacity in the Sardinian energy market.
    9. Having examined the various interests involved, it is considered that from an overall Community interest perspective, no interest overweighs the Community industry’s interest to uphold measures.
    10. The Infrastructure Manager shall uphold the specified characteristics of the power supply system (including substations and posts) and the overhead contact line during their lifetime.
    11. Discussion shall be confined to the reasons for and against each proposal to waive or uphold immunity, or to defend immunity or a privilege.
    12. In the exercise of its powers in respect of privileges and immunities, Parliament shall seek primarily to uphold its integrity as a democratic legislative assembly and to secure the independence of its Members in performance of their duties.
    13. The Commission takes the position that if the state's decision was in line with the agreement, then the competent court must uphold the state's decision and dismiss the curators' claim.
    14. To uphold the principle of equal treatment, the Panel may recommend the exclusion from further evaluation for proposals submitted at the second stage which deviate substantially from the corresponding first-stage proposal.
    15. This Directive should therefore uphold the principles that all assets and liabilities of a UCITS or of its investment compartments can be directly identified, and that accounts should be separate.