Vertaling van affect


to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo afecto
nosotros afectamos
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo afecto
nosotros afectamos
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to affect, to influence, to act, to impinge, to shape, to sway {ww.}

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo influyo
nosotros influimos
» meer vervoegingen van influir

I said to Chad that you're in a position to influence people.
Le dije a Chad que está en posición de influir en la gente.
to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo afecto
nosotros afectamos
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo afecto
nosotros afectamos
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to act, to be effective, to have effect, to impact, to impinge, to work, to avail, to be efficacious, to affect {ww.}
producir efecto
ser eficaz
to concern, to relate, to pertain, to refer, to affect, to apply {ww.}
tener relación
It is difficult to relate to someone who has different values from you.
Es difícil relacionarse con alguien que tiene valores distintos a los tuyos.
to touch, to affect, to abut, to adjoin {ww.}
estar en contacto

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo toco
nosotros tocamos
» meer vervoegingen van tocar

Tom wants to get in touch with Mary.
Tom quiere estar en contacto con Mary.
Don't touch.
No tocar.
to attitudinize, to pose, to put on airs, to feign, to affect, to dissemble, to pretend, to sham {ww.}
ser presuntuoso
darse tono
to attitudinize, to pose, to put on airs, to feign, to affect, to dissemble, to pretend, to sham {ww.}
darse tono
ser presuntuoso

I affect

to move, to stir, to affect {ww.}

I affect
you affect
we affect

yo conmuevo
nosotros conmovemos
» meer vervoegingen van conmover

affection, affect {zn.}
achaque [m] (el ~)
afección [v] (la ~)

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


That student sometimes affect illness.

Ese estudiante a veces finge estar enfermo.

How can it affect them?

¿Cómo puede afectarles eso?

Your attendance will affect your final grade.

Vuestra asistencia influirá en vuestra calificación final.

Does the amount of rain affect the growth of crops?

¿Acaso la cantidad de lluvia afecta al crecimiento de las cosechas?

An increase in the number of cars will affect the urban environment.

Un incremento en el número de coches afectará al entorno urbano.

There is an urgent need for understanding how climate change will affect our lives.

Se requiere urgentemente entender como los cambios climáticos afectarán nuestras vidas.

Gerelateerd aan affect

influence - impress - move - strike - act - impinge - shape - sway - be effective - have effect - impact - work - avail - be efficacious - concern