Vertaling van put down


to lay down, to place, to put, to put down, to lay, to set {ww.}
I have to put the baby to bed.
Tengo que meter al niño en la cama.
We're ready to put the boat in the water.
Estamos listos para meter el bote al agua.
to put off, to take off, to lay, to put down {ww.}
Do I have to take off my shoes here?
¿Me tengo que quitar los zapatos aquí?
We will have to take off our shoes before going in.
Tendremos que quitar nuestros zapatos antes de entrar.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Put down your weapons!

¡Bajen las armas!

Put down your pencil.

Bajen sus lápices.

She put down her thoughts on paper.

Ella traspasó sus pensamientos al papel.

I always put down good experiences in my diary.

Yo siempre anoto las buenas experiencias en mi diario.

He put down the book on the table.

Puso el libro sobre la mesa.

He put down the pencil on the desk.

Puso el lápiz sobre el escritorio.

The best way to write letters is to put down whatever is in your mind.

La mejor manera de redactar una carta es escribir lo que se te venga a la mente.

The government of the United States put down the biggest terrorist.

El gobierno de Estados Unidos acabó con el mayor terrorista.

Gerelateerd aan put down

lay down - place - put - lay - set - put off - take off