Vertaling van to question


to doubt, to question {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

je doute
tu doutes
nous doutons
» meer vervoegingen van douter

I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.
J'ai commencé à douter de la justesse de son propos.
We're starting to question what we thought we knew.
Nous commençons à douter de ce que nous pensions savoir.
to interrogate, to query, to question, to quiz {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

tu interroges
nous interrogeons
» meer vervoegingen van interroger

to examine, to question, to scrutinize {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

tu examines
nous examinons
» meer vervoegingen van examiner

We dissected a frog to examine its internal organs.
Nous disséquâmes une grenouille pour examiner ses organes internes.
Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth.
Les dentistes utilisent les rayons X pour examiner vos dents.
to challenge, to question, to contest, to dispute, to protest {ww.}

I question
you question
we question

je dispute
tu disputes
nous disputons
» meer vervoegingen van disputer

I don't mean to challenge your theory.
Je ne veux pas disputer ta théorie.

Gerelateerd aan to question

doubt - question - interrogate - query - quiz - examine - scrutinize - challenge - contest - dispute - protest