Vertaling van abattre


abattre {ww.}
to use up
to exhaust
abattre {ww.}
to slaughter 
to butcher 
abattre {ww.}
to depress
abattre {ww.}
to excavate
to grub
to dig up
abattre, faire tomber {ww.}
to down 
to tackle
to overthrow 
to drop 
Ne nous laissons pas abattre.
Let's not let things get us down.
Je quitterai cet endroit en essayant de ne pas faire tomber quoi que ce soit.
I'll leave this place trying not to knock anything down.
abattre {ww.}
to shoot dead
to shoot 
tailler, abattre {ww.}
to chop 
to hack
to cut off
rectifier, tuer, abattre {ww.}
to kill 
to slay 
to liquidate 
Je vais te tuer.
I will kill you.
Elle va me tuer.
She's gonna kill me.
surmonter, vaincre, abattre {ww.}
to overcome
to beat 
to defeat
to vanquish 
to surmount
to overthrow 
to win over
Tu dois surmonter les difficultés.
You have to overcome the difficulties.
La plus belle victoire est de vaincre son coeur.
The most beautiful victory is to defeat one's heart.
affaiblir, abattre {ww.}
to weaken
to enervate
to enfeeble
démolir, abattre {ww.}
to break down
to demolish 
to pull down
to take down
to tear down
abaisser, humilier, abattre {ww.}
to abase 
to humiliate
to mortify
décourager, abattre {ww.}
to discourage 
to dishearten 
rassurer, abattre {ww.}
to appease
to calm 
to quiet 
to soothe
to still 
to quiten
to tranquilize
to assuage 
parcourir, abattre {ww.}
to go through
to pass through
to cover

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Ne nous laissons pas abattre.

Let's not let things get us down.

Nous devons travailler dur à abattre les barrières sociales.

We must work hard to break down social barriers.