Vervoeging van take
Onbepaalde wijs (infinitief): to take
- I take
- you take
- he/she/it takes
- we take
- you take
- they take
Indicativo presente
- yo cojo
- tú coges
- él/ella coge
- nosotros cogemos
- vosotros cogéis
- ellos/ellas cogen
Simple past
- I took
- you took
- he/she/it took
- we took
- you took
- they took
- yo cogí
- tú cogiste
- él/ella cogió
- nosotros cogimos
- vosotros cogisteis
- ellos/ellas cogieron
Past continuous
- I was taking
- you were taking
- he/she/it was taking
- we were taking
- you were taking
- they were taking
- yo cogía
- tú cogías
- él/ella cogía
- nosotros cogíamos
- vosotros cogíais
- ellos/ellas cogían
Present perfect
- I have taken
- you have taken
- he/she/it has taken
- we have taken
- you have taken
- they have taken
Pretérito perfecto compuesto
- yo he cogido
- tú has cogido
- él/ella ha cogido
- nosotros hemos cogido
- vosotros habéis cogido
- ellos/ellas han cogido
Past perfect
- I had taken
- you had taken
- he/she/it had taken
- we had taken
- you had taken
- they had taken
- yo había cogido
- tú habías cogido
- él/ella había cogido
- nosotros habíamos cogido
- vosotros habíais cogido
- ellos/ellas habían cogido
- I will take
- you will take
- he/she/it will take
- we will take
- you will take
- they will take
Futuro I
- yo cogeré
- tú cogerás
- él/ella cogerá
- nosotros cogeremos
- vosotros cogeréis
- ellos/ellas cogerán
Future perfect
- I will have taken
- you will have taken
- he/she/it will have taken
- we will have taken
- you will have taken
- they will have taken
Futuro perfecto
- yo habré cogido
- tú habrás cogido
- él/ella habrá cogido
- nosotros habremos cogido
- vosotros habréis cogido
- ellos/ellas habrán cogido
Conditional present
- I would take
- you would take
- he/she/it would take
- we would take
- you would take
- they would take
- yo cogería
- tú cogerías
- él/ella cogería
- nosotros cogeríamos
- vosotros cogeríais
- ellos/ellas cogerían
Conditional perfect
- I would have taken
- you would have taken
- he/she/it would have taken
- we would have taken
- you would have taken
- they would have taken
Condicional perfecto
- yo habría cogido
- tú habrías cogido
- él/ella habría cogido
- nosotros habríamos cogido
- vosotros habríais cogido
- ellos/ellas habrían cogido
Present subjunctive
- I take
- you take
- he/she/it take
- we take
- you take
- they take
- yo coja
- tú cojas
- él/ella coja
- nosotros cojamos
- vosotros cojáis
- ellos/ellas cojan
Past subjunctive
- I took
- you took
- he/she/it took
- we took
- you took
- they took
Imperfecto del subjuntivo
- yo cogiera
- tú cogieras
- él/ella cogiera
- nosotros cogiéramos
- vosotros cogierais
- ellos/ellas cogieran
Past perfect subjunctive
- I had taken
- you had taken
- he/she/it had taken
- we had taken
- you had taken
- they had taken
Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo
- yo hubiera cogido
- tú hubieras cogido
- él/ella hubiera cogido
- nosotros hubiéramos cogido
- vosotros hubierais cogido
- ellos/ellas hubieran cogido
- you take
- we Let´s take
- you take
Imperativo presente
- tú coge
- nosotros cojamos
- vosotros coged