Betekenis van:
cross out

to cross out
  • schrappen met een streepje
  • remove from a list



to cross out
  • doorhalen
  • remove from a list



to cross out
  • schrappen uit een bevolkingsregister of als lidmaat van een kerk
  • remove from a list





  1. Cross out the incorrect words.
  2. Cross out all the wrong answers.
  3. Charlie decided to cross out the last word.
  4. When you cross the street, watch out for cars.
  5. If you make a mistake, just cross it out neatly.
  6. Watch out for cars when you cross the street.
  7. You should cross out any word you don't need.
  8. Look out for cars when you cross the road.
  9. You should look out for cars when you cross the street.
  10. Cross out any words that you do not wish the examiner to read.
  11. Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.
  12. Well, you'll find out that after you cross. If I give too much away right from the start it won't be so interesting.
  13. On Calvary’s cross, where you and I were ransomed, Jesus Christ measured out His blood equally for each one of us.
  14. In order to cross from one sentence to the other, Tom was stretching out his arm. Mary clinged firmly on to it and jumped over the dot, avoiding to fall in the space.
  15. Cross out the wrong answer(s).