Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • beambte die toezicht moet houden in voor het publiek toegankelijke plaatsen als musea, stadions e.d.
  • one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • iem. die eigendommen van derden beheert
  • one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • custos
  • one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • oppasser
  • one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals





  1. The school custodian cleans the gym in the evening.
  2. Custodian
  3. Custodian (custodian)
  4. Custodian Transfer instructions
  5. Counterparty A Custodian
  6. Custodian (safe keeping) services:
  7. Where a custodian, trustee, or other fiduciary is appointed:
  8. Custodian: an entity which undertakes the safekeeping and administration of securities and other financial assets on behalf of others.
  9. is held by a third part custodian not related to the provider or is legally secured from the consequences of a failure of a related party;
  10. When using links between SSSs, the counterparties hold the assets on their own account with their home SSS and have no need for a custodian. CHAPTER 7
  11. When using links between SSSs, the counterparties hold the assets on their own account with their home SSS and have no need for a custodian.
  12. Custodian: an entity which undertakes the safekeeping and administration of securities and other financial assets on behalf of others. Day-count convention: the convention regulating the number of days included in the calculation of interest on credits.
  13. only where strictly relevant, the risk of loss of assets held in custody that could result from the insolvency, negligence or fraudulent action of the custodian or of a subcustodian (custody risk);
  14. This option is applicable if (i) the custodian distinguishes MMF shares/units kept in custody on behalf of holders from those kept on behalf of other custodians; and (ii) most of the MMF shares/units are in the custody of domestic resident institutions that are classified as financial intermediaries (MFIs or OFIs).
  15. This Article shall not apply to shares acquired for the sole purpose of clearing and settling within the usual short settlement cycle, or to custodians holding shares in their custodian capacity provided such custodians can only exercise the voting rights attached to such shares under instructions given in writing or by electronic means.