Betekenis van:

to enjoin
    • give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority




    to enjoin
      • issue an injunction



      1. enjoin all beneficiaries of the aid referred to in Article 1 to reimburse the illegal aid, with interest;
      2. To this end, the Commission requests the Netherlands to enjoin AVR IW to repay the aid with interest in line with the conditions laid down in this decision.
      3. To this end, Italy shall enjoin to the potential beneficiaries of the scheme, within the two months of this decision, to reimburse the aid with the interests as specified below.
      4. Within a time period of two months from the notification of the decision, Italy shall enjoin to all beneficiaries from the aid mentioned in Article 2, par.3 to reimburse the illegal aid and the interests.
      5. Within two months of the date of notification of this Decision, Italy shall enjoin all beneficiaries of the aid referred to in Article 1 to reimburse the unlawful aid, with interest.
      6. Within two months of the notification of this Decision, the Netherlands shall enjoin the beneficiary referred to in Article 1 to reimburse the unlawful and incompatible aid and the interest due.
      7. Within two months of the notification of the present decision, the Federal Republic of Germany shall enjoin all beneficiaries referred to in Article 1 to reimburse the unlawful and incompatible aid and the interests due.
      8. There is an urgent need for some degree of approximation of national provisions designed to enjoin the cessation of the unlawful practices irrespective of the Member State in which the unlawful practice has produced its effects.
      9. Those practices often extend beyond the frontiers between the Member States. There is an urgent need for some degree of approximation of national provisions designed to enjoin the cessation of the unlawful practices irrespective of the Member State in which the unlawful practice has produced its effects.
      10. The Commission nevertheless considers it necessary that, in order to recover any aid already made available to the beneficiaries, Italy should enjoin the potential beneficiaries of the scheme, within two months of the adoption of this Decision, to reimburse the aid with interest in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004 of 21 April 2004 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty [9].
      11. To that end, Italy should be required to enjoin the potential beneficiaries of the scheme, within two months of the date of notification of this Decision, to reimburse the aid with interest calculated in accordance with Chapter V of Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004 of 21 April 2004 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty [9].