Betekenis van:

to enlarge
  • vergroten
  • add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing




to enlarge
  • uitgeschreven oplossing v.e. probleem
  • add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing




to enlarge
    • make larger
    "She enlarged the flower beds"



    to enlarge
      • become larger or bigger



      to enlarge
      • exponeren, uiteendoen, uiteenzetten
      • add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing




      to enlarge
      • vergroten
      • make large



      to enlarge
      • verduizendvoudigen
      • make large




      1. They're going to enlarge their store.
      2. Could you enlarge on your new theory?
      3. He tried to enlarge his sphere of influence.
      4. The group may decide by simple majority to enlarge the membership by inclusion of the deputy members.
      5. Whether further aid is granted or not, Kronoply will not change its behaviour: There is no indication that further aid will induce it to increase production or enlarge its production facilities.
      6. Compensatory measure No 1 should in principle be sufficient to ensure that BE does not use the aid it receives for its nuclear reactors to improve or enlarge its existing non-nuclear fleet.
      7. The ECB may issue debt certificates with the aim of adjusting the structural position of the Eurosystem vis-à-vis the financial sector so as to create (or enlarge) a liquidity shortage in the market.
      8. Building on the activities aimed specifically at ITER and DEMO, the fusion programme will develop competences and enlarge the knowledge base in fields which are strategically relevant to future fusion power stations.
      9. The High Level Group shall be composed of 27 national representatives with competence in the fields referred to in Article 2 and a representative of the Commission. The group may decide by simple majority to enlarge the membership by inclusion of the deputy members.
      10. In order to enlarge the number of organisations with capacities closely related to metrology, researcher excellence grants shall be made available to organisations and/or individuals from the wider researcher community in the Member States and countries associated to the Seventh Framework Programme which are capable of making a substantial contribution to the research activities of the joint programme.
      11. On the basis of the evolution of the animal health situation in the United Kingdom, and in particular the results of the ongoing surveillance, it is now possible to further enlarge the areas listed in Annex II and to reduce the area consisting of administrative units listed in Annex I to Decision 2007/554/EC.
      12. Given the disease situation in the United Kingdom, it is necessary to ensure that Decision 2007/554/EC is amended before the 15 September 2007 in order to extended its application until at least 15 October 2007 and to enlarge the areas under restriction in the light of the epidemiological situation.
      13. On the basis of the evolution of the animal health situation in the United Kingdom, Decision 2007/554/EC was amended by Decision 2007/709/EC, and Annex III to Decision 2007/554/EC was replaced, in order to enlarge the area from which exports of fresh meat are allowed, and the date of application of that Decision was prolonged until 15 December 2007.