Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • verhuizing vanuit een ander land
  • migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there)




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • controle v.h. paspoort
  • migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there)





  1. Assessment in migration phases
  2. the rate of migration (in open-ended reservoirs);
  3. Adopt a law on migration in accordance with European standards.
  4. Develop and implement a migration policy, including an active return policy, which is in line with EU standards and effective in the fight against illegal migration and secondary migration movements.
  5. fostering cooperation and policy reform in the field of migration and asylum with partner countries and promoting capacity building initiatives to ensure the formulation and implementation of pro-development migration policies to address the root causes of migration;
  6. establish a national migration network, composed of a wide-range of organisations and individuals active in the area of migration and asylum and representing relevant stakeholders.
  7. Progressively conclude, ratify and implement all the main international conventions in the field of migration.
  8. Henceforth, each baseline has to developed hand-in-hand with an appropriate migration strategy.
  9. a directory of researchers and research institutions in the area of migration and asylum.
  10. Implement visa, asylum and migration policies in compliance with EU standards.
  11. Progressively conclude, ratify and implement all of the main international conventions in the field of migration.
  12. A credit institution shall assess migration in its ratings under the stress test scenarios.
  13. The Commission shall assist in coordination and support of the common activities during the migration.
  14. Work also includes studies on speciation, migration patterns in the biosphere and radio-toxicology of actinides.
  15. A fourth migration date (15 September 2008) was held in reserve as a contingency measure.