Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • zo groot als in het echt
  • being of the same size as an original
"a life-size sculpture"




  1. Life insurance enterprises Level of size class breakdown
  2. processes for assembly, installation, operation and decommissioning and testing of these processes in life-size projects;
  3. For type CNG-1, CNG-2 and CNG-3 designs, the maximum defect size at any location in the metal cylinder or metal liner that will not grow to a critical size within the specified service life shall be determined.
  4. The visit provided an opportunity to see actual prototypes of the aircraft under development and life-size mock-ups of the equipment and to verify that they are indeed for military use (see recitals 62 to 66).
  5. In particular, when the resources necessary to lead a life of dignity are determined, living standards and price levels by type and size of household in the Member State concerned should be taken into account using the appropriate national indicators.
  6. The size of the sub-plot at the time of the installation of the plot should be large enough to give reliable estimates for these surveys for a minimum of 20 years, preferably throughout the life of the stand.
  7. The design shall identify the maximum size of an allowable defect at any point in the cylinder which will not grow to a critical size within the specified retest period, or service life if no retest is specified, of a cylinder operating to the working pressure.
  8. Using the approach described in paragraph 6.15.2 the manufacturer shall establish the maximum defect size for non-destructive examination which will prevent the failure of the cylinder during its service life due to fatigue, or failure of the cylinder by rupture.
  9. A seamlessly closed leg-ring refers to a ring or band in a continuous circle, without any break or join, which has not been tampered with in any way, of a size which cannot be removed from the bird when its leg is fully grown after having been applied in the first days of the bird's life and which has been commercially manufactured for that purpose.
  10. .4 In the case where the arrangement or size of an existing ro-ro passenger ship is such as to prevent the installation of the fast rescue boat required by paragraph .3.1, the fast rescue boat may be installed in place of an existing lifeboat which is accepted as a rescue boat or boat for use in an emergency, provided that all of the following conditions are met: .1 the fast rescue boat installed is served by a launching appliance complying with the provisions of paragraph .3.2; .2 the capacity of the survival craft lost by the above substitution is compensated by the installation of life-rafts capable of carrying at least an equal number of persons served by the lifeboat replaced; and