Betekenis van:

to reassert
  • bekrachtigen
  • strengthen or make more firm





  1. On 8 June 2004, the United Nations Security Council adopted UNSCR 1546 (2004) welcoming the formation of a sovereign Interim Government of Iraq which would assume full responsibility and authority by 30 June 2004 for governing Iraq, by 30 June 2004 the occupation of Iraq would end, the Coalition Provisional Authority would cease to exist and Iraq would reassert its full sovereignty, but stressing the importance for all States to abide by the prohibitions related to the sale or supply to Iraq of arms and related material established by UNSCR 661 (1990) and subsequent relevant Resolutions including UNSCR 1483 (2003), other than those arms and related material required by the Government of Iraq or the multinational force established under UNSCR 1511 (2003), and recalling the continuing obligations of Member States to freeze and transfer certain funds, assets, and economic resources under UNSCR 1483 (2003), as well as the continuing prohibitions on or obligations of States related to items specified in paragraphs 8 and 12 of UNSCR 687 (1991) or activities described in paragraph 3(f) of UNSCR 707 (1991).