Betekenis van:

to reassess
  • herijken
  • revise or renew one's assessment




  1. surveys, where there is cause to reassess security needs;
  2. An entity shall reassess the classification if there is a change in relevant circumstances.
  3. They consequently constitute existing aid which the Commission does not need to reassess.
  4. In order to reassess the appropriateness of undertakings as an effective form of anti-dumping measures, the Commission deemed it necessary to reassess the acceptability and workability of the undertakings offered and of those accepted.
  5. Consequently, measures 24, 25 and 33 constitute existing aid, which the Commission does not need to reassess.
  6. Credit institutions shall update their data sets at least once every three months and shall also reassess them whenever market prices are subject to material changes.
  7. In the light of the Tubacex judgment, the Commission decided to reassess the Decision of 1998, as it considered that its conclusions were applicable to SNIACE.
  8. Germany insisted that the Commission had to reassess the market in accordance with Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 659/1999:
  9. It is advisable, in a SEPA context, to reassess, by 31 October 2011, the appropriateness of removing those reporting obligations based on bank settlements.
  10. On 8 and 23 February, 25 March and 22 April 2010 Portugal submitted data and requested the Commission to reassess the number of days previously allocated by the Commission.
  11. The Agreement provides for the European Commission, together with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to reassess the specifications for label qualification of office equipment listed in Annex C to the Agreement as market conditions change.
  12. In view of the above, measures 17, 18, 19, 22, 24 and 25, part of measure 27, and measures 28, 29, 31 and 33 constitute existing aid which the Commission does not need to reassess.
  13. The Commission, assisted by the European Maritime Safety Agency, shall reassess the recognition of the third country concerned in order to verify whether that country failed to comply with the requirements of the STCW Convention.
  14. Expanding duplexing requirements: EPA and the European Commission may reassess the presence of duplexing on the current range of products, and consider how the optional requirements could be made more stringent.
  15. In that case, the Court ruled that, once it had been determined that a particular aid scheme did not constitute State aid, the only way for the Commission to reassess its position was to follow the rules on existing aid, and the effect of reassessment could thus be valid only in the future.