Betekenis van:
time unit


  1. Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.
  2. Life-time extension: system unit
  3. Record time to first sheet exiting unit.
  4. ‘full-time refiner’ means a production unit:
  5. ‘full time refiner’ means a production unit:
  6. annual process unit operating time and total plant operating time;
  7. total capacity used, by market time unit, immediately after nomination;
  8. minimum time in the unit without interruption: 60 minutes.
  9. Soaking time time calculated from the point where each individual unit of gear has been set, to the time when the same unit starts to be removed.
  10. soaking time time calculated from the point where each individual unit of gear has been set, to the time when the same unit starts to be removed.
  11. ‘capacity’ means the maximum flow, expressed in normal cubic meters per time unit or in energy unit per time unit, to which the network user is entitled in accordance with the provisions of the transport contract;
  12. This release time is the first entry into the wagon and intermodal unit movement database.
  13. "computing element" (typically an arithmetic logical unit) FP floating point XP fixed point t execution time
  14. Record time to first sheet exiting unit. Wait until the meter shows that the unit has entered its final sleep mode.
  15. the maximum quantity of a substance permissible in a discharge during one or more specified periods of time, expressed, if necessary, as a unit of weight of the pollutant per unit of the characteristic element of the polluting activity (e.g. unit of weight per unit of raw material or per product unit).