Vertaling van aim


to aim, to attempt, to endeavour, to take steps, to undertake, to strive, to set about {ww.}
tratar de

I aim
you aim
we aim

yo procuro
nosotros procuramos
» meer vervoegingen van procurar

to aim, to attempt, to endeavour, to try, to bother, to exert, to strain, to strive {ww.}
aim, goal, purpose, target, butt, end, intent, objective {zn.}
fin [m] (el ~)
objetivo [m] (el ~)
blanco [m] (el ~)
finalidad [v] (la ~)
Take aim at the target.
Apunta al blanco.
They attained their purpose at last.
Por fin lograron su objetivo.
to level, to train, to aim {ww.}

I aim
you aim
we aim

yo encañono
nosotros encañonamos
» meer vervoegingen van encañonar

to mean, to aim, to target, to aim at, to aim for {ww.}
querer decir
aspirar a
apuntar a
"Menéame" turns out to mean "wiggle me."
"Menéame" resulta querer decir "menéame".

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Take aim at the target.

Apunta al blanco.

What's your aim in Tatoeba?

¿Cuál es su meta en Tatoeba?

We aim at that objective.

Visamos este objetivo.

What's your aim in life?

¿Cuál es tu meta en la vida?

Aim at the target with this gun.

Apunta el objetivo con esta pistola.

I fail to understand his true aim.

No logro entender su verdadero objetivo.

His aim is to become a doctor.

Su objetivo es convertirse en doctor.

My aim is to be a doctor.

Mi vocación es la medicina.

The aim of all life is death.

El objetivo de toda vida es la muerte.

That aim is impossible to attain.

Es imposible alcanzar esa meta.

His aim is to become a lawyer.

Su meta es ser abogado.

Take steady aim at the tiger.

Apunta firme al tigre.

He has only one aim in life, to make money.

Él sólo tiene un objetivo en la vida: ganar dinero.

His aim in life is to save money.

Su objetivo en la vida es ahorrar dinero.

We must achieve our aim at any price.

Tenemos que alcanzar nuestro objetivo a cualquier precio.

Gerelateerd aan aim

attempt - endeavour - take steps - undertake - strive - set about - try - bother - exert - strain - goal - purpose - target - butt - end