Vertaling van commit


to act, to do, to make, to perform, to carry out, to commit, to form, to reach, to render, to work, to wage {ww.}

I commit
you commit
we commit

yo hago
nosotros hacemos
» meer vervoegingen van hacer

Who can do this work?
¿Quién puede hacer este trabajo?
You shouldn't do his work.
No deberías hacer su trabajo.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


She tried to commit suicide.

Ella intentó suicidarse.

You're trying to commit suicide.

Está intentando suicidarse.

Why do people commit suicide?

¿Por qué la gente se suicida?

She's trying to commit suicide.

Está intentando suicidarse.

He's trying to commit suicide.

Está intentando suicidarse.

I commit my son to your care.

Dejo a mi hijo a tu cuidado.

He tried to commit a suicide.

Él intentó suicidarse.

Bill did not commit the crime.

Bill no cometió el crimen.

The poet attempted to commit suicide in his study.

El poeta intentó suicidarse en su estudio.

Many young men tend to commit the same errors.

Muchos jóvenes tienden a cometer los mismos errores.

The prominent poet attempted to commit suicide in his study.

El famoso poeta cometió un intento de suicidio en su estudio.

Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide.

Tom no tuvo el valor para suicidarse.

Tom was executed for a crime he didn't commit.

Tom fue ejecutado por un crimen que no cometió.

He will commit suicide if he can't see his son.

Se suicidará si no puede ver a su hijo.

I'm prisoner for a crime I didn't commit.

Estoy preso por un crimen que no cometí.

Gerelateerd aan commit

act - do - make - perform - carry out - form - reach - render - work - wage