Vertaling van conduct


to conduct, to guide, to lead, to channel, to wage, to bring, to drive {ww.}

I conduct
you conduct
we conduct

yo conduzco
nosotros conducimos
» meer vervoegingen van conducir

I want to drive.
Quiero conducir.
Do you know how to drive?
¿Sabéis conducir?
to conduct, to direct, to guide, to head, to lead, to drive, to show the way {ww.}

I conduct
you conduct
we conduct

yo guío
nosotros guiamos
» meer vervoegingen van guiar

He has always liked to drive at a dangerous speed.
A él siempre le ha gustado guiar a velocidades peligrosas.
to direct, to guide, to manage, to steer, to conduct, to drive, to head, to lead, to refer {ww.}

I conduct
you conduct
we conduct

yo dirijo
nosotros dirigimos
» meer vervoegingen van dirigir

to achieve, to act out, to carry through, to conduct, to implement, to secure, to accomplish {ww.}

I conduct
you conduct
we conduct

yo realizo
nosotros realizamos
» meer vervoegingen van realizar

to produce, to achieve, to conduct, to effect, to engineer, to implement, to realize {ww.}

I conduct
you conduct
we conduct

yo realizo
nosotros realizamos
» meer vervoegingen van realizar

behaviour, conduct, deportment {zn.}
conducta [v] (la ~)
His conduct was admirable.
Su conducta fue admirable.
I don't approve of his conduct.
No apruebo su conducta.
steering, conduct, management {zn.}
dirección [v] (la ~)
The management refused to come to terms.
La dirección se negó a llegar a un acuerdo.
We must inform the management of what's going on.
Debemos enterar a la dirección de lo que pasa.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Let's conduct a research.

Conduzcamos una investigación.

His conduct was admirable.

Su conducta fue admirable.

Your conduct is absolutely shameful.

Tu conducta es absolutamente vergonzosa.

I am responsible for his conduct.

Soy responsable por su conducta.

I don't approve of his conduct.

No apruebo su conducta.

I am ashamed of my son's conduct.

Estoy avergonzada del comportamiento de mi hijo.

Ethics means the rules of conduct.

Ética significa las reglas de la conducta.

You must answer for your careless conduct.

Debes responder por tu conducta descuidada.

We were surprised at his conduct.

Estábamos sorprendidos de su conducta.

She was asked to account for her conduct.

Se le pidió que rindiera cuentas de su conducta.

He shamed his whole family by his conduct.

Avergonzó a toda su familia con su conducta.

I want to get a satisfactory explanation for your conduct.

Quiero una explicación satisfactoria para tu conducta.

The girl was given a prize for good conduct.

A la niña le dieron un premio por buena conducta.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that treats of human conduct.

La ética es una rama de la filosofía que trata de la conducta humana.

The astronaut had to conduct many experiments in the space shuttle.

El astronauta debió conducir muchos experimentos en el transbordador espacial.

Gerelateerd aan conduct

guide - lead - channel - wage - bring - drive - direct - head - show the way - manage - steer - refer - achieve - act out - carry through