Vertaling van shot


shot {zn.}
attempt, test, bid, rehearsal, shot, trial, try {zn.}
carné [v] (la ~)
Tom didn't do well enough on the driver's test to get a driver's license.
Tom no lo hizo lo suficientemente bien en la prueba de conducir para sacarse el carné.
to fire, to shoot {ww.}

I shot
you shot
he/she/it shot

yo disparé
él/ella disparó
» meer vervoegingen van disparar

I don't want to shoot.
No quiero disparar.
I'm going to shoot him dead.
Le voy a disparar.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tom got shot at.

Tom recibió un disparo.

Tom shot Mary.

Tom le disparó a Mary.

Were you shot?

¿Te dispararon?

What a shot!

¡Pero qué tiro!

They shot him yesterday.

Lo balearon ayer.

Has anybody been shot?

¿Alguien recibió un disparo?

A shot rang out.

Un disparo sonó.

She shot him.

Le disparó.

Tom has been shot.

Le dispararon a Tom.

She shot a gun.

Ella disparó un arma.

My friend was shot.

Dispararon a mi amigo.

Tom shot at Mary.

Tom le disparó a Mary.

What a good shot!

¡Qué buen tiro!

He shot at me.

Él me disparó.

I'll give you a shot.

Te doy una oportunidad.

Gerelateerd aan shot

attempt - test - bid - rehearsal - trial - try - fire - shoot