Vertaling van appearance


appearance, look, semblance {zn.}
apparence  [v] (l' ~)
air  [m] (l' ~)
His appearance deceived me.
J'ai été abusée par son apparence.
I like the way you look.
J'aime ton apparence.
appearance, aspect, look, sight, view, countenance, guise, respect {zn.}
apparence  [v] (l' ~)
spectacle  [m] (le ~)
air  [m] (l' ~)
allure  [v] (l' ~)
aspect  [m] (l' ~)
Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners.
Mr. Bingley plaisait dès l’abord par un extérieur agréable, une allure distinguée, un air avenant et des manières pleines d’aisance et…
I'll never forget the sight.
Je n'oublierai jamais ce spectacle.
expression, mien, look, air, appearance {zn.}
air  [m] (l' ~)
mine  [v] (la ~)
He walked away with a sad look on his face.
Il s'en alla la mine dépitée.
His avuncular mien endears him to small children.
Avec son air de tonton, il plait aux jeunes enfants.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


His appearance deceived me.

J'ai été abusée par son apparence.

Never judge by appearance.

Ne jugez jamais sur les apparences.

Don't judge people by appearance.

Ne juge pas les gens sur l'apparence.

His appearance animated the party.

Son apparition a animé la fête.

To all appearance it is true.

Cela est vrai selon toute apparence.

Don't judge a man by his appearance.

Ne jugez pas un homme à son apparence.

She was embarrassed by his sudden appearance.

Elle était embarrassée par sa soudaine apparition.

His sudden appearance surprised us all.

Sa subite apparition nous surprit tous.

To all appearance his statement was true.

Contre toute attente, sa déclaration était vraie.

Don't judge a person by his appearance.

Il ne faut pas juger une personne à son apparence.

I was deceived by her appearance.

J'ai été trompé par ses apparences.

She was surprised at his appearance.

Elle fut surprise par son apparition.

Don't judge people by their appearance.

Ne juge pas quelqu'un sur son apparence.

Don't be fooled by her appearance.

Ne vous laissez pas tromper par son apparence.

She is regardless of her appearance.

Elle ne se soucie pas de son apparence.

Gerelateerd aan appearance

look - semblance - aspect - sight - view - countenance - guise - respect - expression - mien - air