Vertaling van nobody


neither, no-one, nobody, none, no, any, not anyone {onb. vnw.}
geen enkel
geen enkele
cipher, cypher, nobody, nonentity {zn.}
nul [m] (de ~)
cipher, cypher, nobody, nonentity {zn.}
schertsfiguur [m] (de/het ~)

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Nobody speaks to me.

Niemand praat met me.

Nobody will believe that.

Niemand gelooft dat.

Nobody knows that.

Niemand weet het.

Nobody can understand it.

Niemand kan het verstaan.

Nobody saw me.

Niemand zag me.

Luckily nobody got wet.

Gelukkig werd niemand nat.

Nobody knows the future.

Niemand kent de toekomst.

Nobody understands me.

Niemand begrijpt me.

Nobody at home?

Niemand thuis?

Nobody is perfect.

Niemand is perfect.

Nobody showed up today.

Er is niemand gekomen vandaag.

There was nobody.

Er was niemand.

Nobody cares about that.

Er kraait geen haan naar.

Nobody can understand him.

Niemand kan hem begrijpen.

There was nobody there.

Er was niemand daar.

Gerelateerd aan nobody

neither - no-one - none - no - any - not anyone - cipher - cypher - nonentityfailure