Vertaling van volverse


volverse, dirigirse, girar, dar vueltas {ww.}
to turn 
to wheel 
to apply 
to whirl
to resort
to recourse
to turn round
to turn back
to turn around
La rueda empezó a girar.
The wheel began to turn.
Usé el destornillador para girar el tornillo, pero no quería girar.
I used a screwdriver to turn the screw, but it just didn't want to turn.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Su meta es volverse en cantante profesional.

His aim is to become a professional singer.

El hombre es el único animal sujeto a volverse un imbécil.

Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile.

Los ojos pueden volverse selectivos, ignorando parte de lo que hay, y el cerebro a veces insiste en ver cosas que no existen en absoluto.

The eyes themselves can become selective, ignoring part of what is there, and the brain sometimes insists on seeing things that don't exist at all.

Gerelateerd aan volverse

dirigirse - girar - dar vueltas