Vertaling van naquele


acolá, , além, ali, nesse, nesses, lugar, lugares, naquele {bw.}
over there

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tudo começou naquele dia.

It all started that day.

Perdemos bastante naquele trabalho.

We lost a lot on that job.

Não sente naquele banco.

Don't sit on that bench.

Estava muito frio naquele anoitecer.

It was very cold that evening.

Perdi a confiança naquele médico.

I have lost faith in that doctor.

Ken estava correndo naquele momento.

Ken was running at that time.

Fique de olho naquele homem.

Keep watch on that man.

Eu estou hospedado naquele hotel.

I'm staying at that hotel.

Naquele momento ela tocava piano.

She was playing the piano at that time.

Será que ela está ficando naquele hotel?

I wonder if she is staying at that hotel.

No fim, acabamos comendo naquele restaurante maltrapilho.

In the end, we ended up eating at that shabby restaurant.

Todos nós nos divertimos naquele dia.

We all had a fine time that day.

Eu prendi a minha malha naquele prego.

I caught my sweater on that nail.

Há algumas coisas espetaculares naquele sítio.

There are some spectacular things on that site.

Ele gosta de viver naquele lugar.

He likes to live in that place.

Gerelateerd aan naquele

acolá - - além - ali - nesse - nesses - lugar - lugares