Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • iemand die landverraad pleegt; landverrader
  • someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest
    "the musician and the librettist were collaborators"




    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • someone who assists in a plot




      1. Tom is a collaborator.
      2. ADEF was dissolved in 1994; its shares were assigned free of charge to SNE, itself a collaborator of CELF.
      3. SIDE also objects to aid which was granted to CELF in 1993 via a sale of shares in ADEF to SNE, which is a collaborator of CELF.
      4. […] Nevertheless, ITP is an important collaborator for RR in certain civil programmes, notably the Trent 500 and 900 engines, and RR maintains its shareholding in ITP partly to protect its interests in those collaborative programmes and also to help develop ITP as an independent player (and partner) in the aeronautical sector’.
      5. Mr Fenouil, for Lavoisier Tec et Doc, a former collaborator of CELF, publisher and exporting bookseller specialising in scientific and technical works, does not dispute, in comments dated 7 January 1997, the appositeness of the aid granted to CELF from 1980, and even mentions ‘unconditional support up to 1994 [26]’.
      6. One half of the recapitalisation was provided by the shareholders, and the other by ADEF [30], an association financed by the State. ADEF was dissolved in 1994; its shares were assigned free of charge to SNE, itself a collaborator of CELF.
      7. Mr Fenouil, for Lavoisier Tec et Doc, a former collaborator of CELF, publisher and exporting bookseller specialising in scientific and technical works, does not dispute, in comments dated 7 January 1997, the appositeness of the aid granted to CELF from 1980, and even mentions ‘unconditional support up to 1994 [26]’. However, he does take issue with CELF's diversification [27], which he says was financed by means of the disputed grants.