Betekenis van:
come to an agreement

to come to an agreement
  • accorderen, bijeenpassen, kloppen, overeenstemmen, rijmen
  • be in accord; be in agreement




  1. We need to come to an agreement.
  2. He urged them to come to an agreement.
  3. I'm sure we can come to an agreement.
  4. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement.
  5. I hope my partner can come to an agreement with you.
  6. Sometimes I have the impression that we'll never come to an agreement.
  7. Continue efforts with a view to come to an agreement with commercial creditors (London Club) on debt restructuring.
  8. This could come about if the future application of the agreements were to lead to an increase, on the routes where competition from private operators is concentrated, in the capacity offered by the regional companies under the public service agreement arrangements.