Vertaling van watch out


to watch, to view, to witness {ww.}
ser espectador
to pay attention, to pay attention to, to heed, to watch out, to mind, to be attentive, to be attentive to {ww.}
atender a
tener cuidado
estar atento
Please pay attention to what I'm saying.
Haz el favor de atender a lo que te digo.
You have to watch out for avalanches at this time of the year.
Tienes que tener cuidado con las avalanchas en esta época del año.
to keep an eye on, to spy on, to watch, to watch for, to keep watch {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

yo atisbo
nosotros atisbamos
» meer vervoegingen van atisbar

to guard, to keep, to look after, to watch over, to preserve, to safeguard, to watch {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

yo guardo
nosotros guardamos
» meer vervoegingen van guardar

Can you keep a secret?
¿Sabes guardar un secreto?
I can keep a secret.
guardar un secreto.
to keep, to mind, to observe, to comply, to mark, to obey, to respect, to watch, to abide, to abide by {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

yo cumplo
nosotros cumplimos
» meer vervoegingen van cumplir

Tom likes to observe birds.
A Tom le gusta observar aves.
You must observe the rules of the dormitory.
Debes observar las reglas del dormitorio.
to consider, to deem, to look, to regard, to view, to watch, to see {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

yo miro
nosotros miramos
» meer vervoegingen van mirar

I'd like to look inside.
Quisiera mirar adentro.
I don't like to watch tv.
No me gusta mirar televisión.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Careful! Watch out!

¡Ojo! ¡Cuidado!

Watch out for thieves around here.

Ojo con los ladrones por aquí.

Watch out, the man has a gun.

Cuidado, el hombre tiene una pistola.

"Watch out for the trap!" she screamed.

"¡Ten cuidado con la trampa!" gritó ella.

There are jellyfish out there today, so watch out.

Hoy hay medusas, así que ten cuidado.

Do we need to watch out for tigers around here?

¿Debemos cuidarnos de los tigres por este alrededor?

Watch out for cars when you cross the street.

Cuidado con los coches cuando cruces la calle.

Watch out! (or: be alert!)


Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace!

¡Cuidado con las chispas que saltan de la chimenea!

If you go into the forest, watch out for the man-eating ogres!

¡Si vas al bosque, cuídate del ogro come-hombres!

You have to watch out for avalanches at this time of the year.

Tienes que tener cuidado con las avalanchas en esta época del año.

Watch out for his latest movie which comes out next month.

Estate atento a su última película que se estrena el mes que viene.