Vertaling van advantage


advantage, benefit, edge {zn.}
avantage  [m] (l' ~)
It is to his advantage.
C'est à son avantage.
He has a small advantage.
Il a un petit avantage.
advantage, benefit, account {zn.}
intérêt  [m] (l' ~)
There is no advantage in staying here.
Il n'y a aucun intérêt à rester ici.
benefit, gain, profit, win, advantage {zn.}
bénéfice  [m] (le ~)
gain  [m] (le ~)
No pain, all gain.
Pas de peine, que du gain.
Did you win the case?
Avez-vous eu gain de cause ?
gain, profit, advantage, benefit {zn.}
avantage  [m] (l' ~)
profit  [m] (le ~)
gain  [m] (le ~)
We’re going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain.
Nous allons nous assurer que personne ne tire avantage du peuple étasunien pour son propre profit à court terme.
I am not interested in material gain.
Je ne suis pas intéressée par le gain matériel.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


You took advantage of me.

Vous avez profité de moi.

It is to his advantage.

C'est à son avantage.

He has a small advantage.

Il a un petit avantage.

He took advantage of me.

Il a profité de moi.

She has a small advantage.

Elle a un petit avantage.

She took advantage of me.

Elle a profité de moi.

You should take advantage of this chance.

Tu devrais profiter de cette chance.

There is no advantage in doing that.

Il n'y a pas d'intérêt à faire ça.

You should take advantage of this opportunity.

Tu devrais profiter de cette occasion.

She took advantage of my ignorance.

Elle tira avantage de mon ignorance.

You must take advantage of the opportunity.

Tu dois tirer avantage de cette occasion.

John took advantage of Bill's weakness.

John a tiré avantage de la faiblesse de Bill.

But I had another advantage in it.

Mais j'y avais un autre avantage.

Tom should take advantage of this opportunity.

Tom devrait mettre à profit cette opportunité.

Let's take advantage of the long weekend.

Profitons de ce long weekend.

Gerelateerd aan advantage

benefit - edge - account - gain - profit - win