Vertaling van converge


to advance, to come close, to come closer, to come on, to converge, to near, to approach {ww.}
I signed for him to approach.
Je lui ai fait signe de s'approcher.
Tell her not to get near the dog.
Dites-lui de ne pas trop s'approcher du chien.
to associate, to come together, to join, to pool, to assemble, to coalesce, to converge {ww.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


This algorithm doesn't converge.

Cet algorithme ne converge pas.

Why do physicists converge? Because they're monotonous and narrow.

Pourquoi les physiciens sont-ils convergents ? Parce qu'ils sont monotones et bornés.

One must wait for the residuals to converge before being able to use the simulation's results.

Il faut attendre que les résidus aient convergé avant de pouvoir exploiter les résultats de la simulation.

Gerelateerd aan converge

advance - come close - come closer - come on - near - approach - associate - come together - join - pool - assemble - coalesce