Betekenis van:
sound out

to sound out
  • in spraakklanken weergeven
  • speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
"Can the child sound out this complicated word?"




to sound out
  • voorzichtig uitzoeken
  • try to learn someone's opinions and intentions
"I have to sound out the new professor"



to sound out
  • voorzichtig onderzoeken
  • try to learn someone's opinions and intentions
"I have to sound out the new professor"



to sound out
  • duidelijk spreken
  • speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
"Can the child sound out this complicated word?"






  1. I tried to sound out his views.
  2. When the fire broke out, he was sound asleep.
  3. He heard a strange sound and sprang out of bed.
  4. You should sound him out about the matter.
  5. Tom certainly gets a nice sound out of that old bassoon.
  6. After making sure she was sound asleep, he crept out of the room and set off.
  7. If there's a good way to sound out whether a woman has a boyfriend or not please tell me.
  8. His boosterism makes it sound wonderful but I wonder if he understands how hard it's going to be to actually carry out.
  9. Grading of pig carcasses shall be carried out by use of the method termed “Ultra-sound IS-D-05”.
  10. It is necessary for an ERIC to carry out its activities according to sound budgetary principles for the exercise of its financial responsibility.
  11. The NOB carries out the recording, transmission preparation and actual transmission of sound, moving pictures and data to all possible distribution channels.
  12. Bad: An incoming telephone call is at a very high sound level liable to mask warnings, and out of the driver's control.
  13. The Commission can carry out document and on-the-spot checks into their existence, relevance and proper operation, in accordance with the rules of sound financial management.
  14. These agreements and arrangements shall guarantee that the disposal operations will be carried out in an authorised facility and will comply with the requirements for environmentally sound management.
  15. Bad: An incoming telephone call is at a very high sound level liable to mask warnings, and out of the driver’s control.