Vertaling van to appreciate


to appreciate, to like, to enjoy, to fancy, to love, to think highly of, to prize, to think well of, to have a high regard for {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

tu aimes
nous aimons
» meer vervoegingen van aimer

To love life is to love God.
Aimer la vie, c'est aimer Dieu.
We should love our neighbors.
Nous devons aimer nos voisins.
to esteem, to think well of, to prize, to value, to think highly of, to appreciate {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

tu apprécies
nous apprécions
» meer vervoegingen van apprécier

You should always think highly of your own teachers.
Il faut toujours estimer ses propres professeurs.
Many foreigners can appreciate Kabuki.
Beaucoup d'étrangers savent apprécier le Kabuki.
to realize, to understand, to appreciate, to apprehend, to catch, to comprehend, to see {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

je comprends
tu comprends
nous comprenons
» meer vervoegingen van comprendre

I think I understand.
Je pense comprendre.
I am beginning to understand.
Je commence à comprendre.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He learned to appreciate literature.

Il a appris à apprécier la littérature.

It is not so difficult to appreciate good music.

Ce n'est pas si difficile d'apprécier la bonne musique.

To appreciate her beauty, you have only to look at her.

Pour apprécier sa beauté, il n'y a qu'à la regarder.

We very often only come to appreciate someone or our relationship with them when we lose them.

Nous finissons très souvent par apprécier quelqu'un ou notre relation avec lui seulement lorsque nous le perdons.